LED light emitting diodes are not all equal

LED is a well-recognised cosmetic treatment that delivers a dosage of specific narrowband light to targeted areas of the skin, stimulating the naturally occurring regeneration and repair processes. This non-invasive treatment is a gentle and natural approach to delivering skin treatments much like the process of photosynthesis. But not all LED therapy machines are created equal. At Beleura Beauty we use the Xen has 10,500 LED's which is 6 times any other on the market. This allows the Xen to deliver higher intensity for fast full dosage treatments.
LED treatment with blue lights. Lady lying on treatment bed.

Essentially three wavelengths are used for therapeutic response, Red light, Near-infrared (NIR) and Blue light. Red light therapy was originally used by NASA for plant growth purposes during shuttle missions. When it was discovered these lights also affected human cells, light receptors within your skin absorb the light which activates (ATP energy cells) and stimulates cell signalling the body. Red and NIR wavelengths are best known for improving cellular performance and encouraging the body to produce more collagen, fibroblasts, and elastin within the skin for anti-ageing, skin repair, and reduction of post-surgery scarring. NIR offers deeper penetration of the light for more darkly pigmented skin and deeper skin issues and reduces tissue inflammation. In addition, it has been shown to improve sleep and may assist with mood disorders. Blue light therapy is used for acne due to its anti-bacterial effect.

LED is extremely anti-inflammatory, increases blood flow, and aids detoxification and collagen production.
LED treatments can be stand-alone or a series of sessions can be purchased. I charge a reduced rate when LED is combined with a facial.

I choose to perform led prior to facial treatments, this will prime the skin and will further benefit the skin with the treatments that follow.